Monday, December 17, 2012

Choose Love.......

Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.

It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible. In the relative, dualistic world of positive and negative, darkness and light, male and female, we make choices and we learn from them. This is exactly what we are meant to be doing here on earth. Underlying these relative choices, though, is the choice to be conscious of what we are, which is love, or to be unconscious of it. When we choose to be conscious of it, we choose love. We will still exist in the relative world of opposites and choices and cause and effect, and we will need to make our way here, but doing so with an awareness that we are all made of this love will enable us to be more playful, more joyful, more loving and wise, as we make our way. Ultimately, the choices we make will shed light on the love that makes us all one, enabling those who have forgotten to return to the source.

This world makes it easy to forget this great love, which is part of why we are here. We are here to remember and, when we forget to remember again, to choose love.

Happy Winter

Happy Winter

Today for all of us, my prayer is "Please, give us a respite from all the crises." In the wake of the senseless tragedy in Connecticut, we lose our peace. Our flight or fight button is jammed and we can barely put one foot in front of the other. So sit a while and I'll just put on the kettle.
The task of getting through the day with all our loved ones accounted for and a roof still over our heads drains our energy, depletes our sense of security and diminishes our capacity for happiness, leaving us feeling exhausted and vulnerable. Nearly everyday we're inundated with a new reason to be scared—if it's not the collapse of the world markets, or a terrorist alert, it's fears about bird flu, a tsunami in our backyard or Yellowstone National Park blowing up. As Dorothy Parker so succinctly put it, "What fresh hell is this?"
Which is why when challenging and unexpected Change occurs, Mother Providence hits the cosmic Pause button for a sacred time-out. We're stunned and we're meant to stop. I know this may be difficult for you, as it is for me, but think of what's going on now, today and tomorrow as a gift—a way to recalibrate the speed at which we're chasing after our days and clutching at the world's grains of sand. With any dramatic change in our circumstances, whether its good news or bad, there's information to assimilate, emotional wounds to lick, confusion to sort, closets to clear, brown boxes to pack, forms to fill out. There are new connections to make, wisdom to glean, truth to be revealed, forgiveness to be considered, mail to forward. But above all, there's gratitude to be offered for a safe deliverance from the Past before Spirit stamps our letters of transit to the Future.

Let's take a look at the word that saps our strength so quickly and so often:
"What difference do it make if the thing you scared of is real or not?" the glorious writer Toni Morrison wonders aloud, surely for all of us. Women have always known how to comfort the fears of others; we just don't remember to use the same tender, loving tactics on ourselves. So the next time you feel a random panic attack starting, take a deep breath, and transpose the "a" and the "c" in the word "scared" and you'll not only discover another word, but a world of difference. You'll uncover the
Doesn't that make you feel better already? It works for me,every time. I'd also be willing to bet that your sacred, like mine, is very close—the walls surrounding you or the floorboards supporting you, even if they need a good scrub.
The best definition I ever heard of fear is "False Evidence Appearing Real". When I'm anxious I notice that my fears seem to be speculative, future-tense marauders. Will there be enough? What will I do? How will I cope?
The best way I know to disarm fear is by keeping a Gratitude Journal, a polite daily thank-you note to the Universe—and a reminder to yourself of the very real blessings you have right now. In this moment. Small pauses that bring a smile or a sigh of relief during the day. We think it's the big moments that define our lives—the promotion, the new baby, the renovated kitchen, the wedding. But the narrative of our lives is written in the small, the simple and the common. The overlooked. The discarded. The reclaimed. Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.

You also need to take time to visualize what it is your really need. The Universe is a place of unending blessings and abundance. As Children of the Divine, we deserve wonderous and beautiful things in our lives! All we need to do is visualize it. Take the time every day to concentrate on what you need. See yourself always having received this gift. It's there waiting for you... accept it!
Now Winter is arriving, a change of season that's more a sense memory than a date on the calendar. Finally, the balmy days have passed. Gradually familiar surroundings don a stark palate of just waiting to be frosted with snow. Sparkle and magic that dazzle with their beauty. Let December seduce you with her charms: peppermint sticks, creamy hot chocolate, picking out the perfect Christmas Tree, arranging holly wreaths and lighting our world with fairy lights , savory stews and Sunday roasts, the first fire of the season, making a snowman, candles and evergreens on the dining room table, pie making and the tremendous satisfaction of making do with whatever we've got, as we discover all we have is truly all we need, as long as we possess the soul knowledge of how blessed we truly are. Trust me, dearest friend, the world can't take this away…only you can turn the gift away.
Wishing you a month of comfort, unexpected blessings, personal miracles, and a prayer that you may know Deep Joy, Real Love, and Personal Peace.

Wishing you, my dear friends...Peace and Prosperity, Love and Laughter, Health and Happiness this Holiday season and an amazing 2013!!